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These contain minor spoilers for the movie, so if you haven't seen the movie, and don't want to know anything, don't read ahead!!!

We are the future, Charles. Not them. They no longer matter.
Magneto to Professor X

The first boy I ever kissed ended up in a coma for three weeks.
Rogue to Wolverine"

All kinds of things.
Jean Grey to Wolverine

Storm: So help us!
Wolverine: What? Join the team? Be one of the X-MEN? You know, Magneto is right. There is a war coming. Are you sure you're on the right side?
Storm: At least I have chosen a side.

It's people like you that made me afraid to go to school as a child.
Mystique to Senator Kelly

Quit playing around!
Toad to Sabretooth

Weren't you supposed to bring someone back with you?
Toad to Sabretooth

I won't be able to stop them all!
Magneto to Professor X

You homosapiens and your guns.
Magneto to the police

You're a dick.
Wolverine to Cyclops

Don't you people ever die?
Toad to Storm

What do they call you? Wheels?
Wolverine to Professor X

Rogue: What am I supposed to do now?
Wolverine: I don't know.
Rogue: You don't know or you don't care?
Wolverine: Pick one!

You owe me a scream.
Sabretooth to Storm

Fry him, Storm!
Cyclops to StormProfessor X to Cyclops and Wolverine

Wolverine: Hey, I wasn't the one who gave the train station a new sun roof.
Cyclops: No, you were the one that stabbed her through the chest.

He might even be older than you, professor.
Jean Grey to Professor X, talking about Wolverine

Cyclops to Storm and Jean Grey

You running again?
Rogue to Wolverine

I kinda like it.
Rogue to Wolverine, about the white streak in her hair

There's one problem. You're not part of the team.
Wolverine to Mystique

It was an accident!
Rogue to Storm

Wolverine: Look, I'm not gonna hurt you kid.
Rogue:Its nothing personal. It's just that when people touch my skin, something happens
Wolverine: What?
Rogue: I don't know. They just get hurt.
Wolverine: (pause) Fair enough.

Jean: I saw Senator Kelly
Magneto: Oh, so the good senator survived his fall and swam back to shore.
Jean: He's dead.
Storm: It's true. I saw him die.

Rogue: Are you going to kill me?
Magneto: (pause) Yes.

Jean: When I tell you to, open your eyes!
Cyclops: Jean, no!
Jean: Trust me!

Wolverine: So where's your room?
Jean: Down the hall, with Scott.
Wolverine: Is that your gift? Putting up with that guy?

Wolverine:Are you gonna tell me to stay away from your girl now?
Cyclops: If I had to do that, she wouldn't be my girl.

Hey Logan, stay away from my girl.
Cyclops to Wolverine

Wolverine: You guys actually go out in these things?
Cyclops: What would you prefer? Yellow spandex?

Storm, some cover please.
Cyclops to Storm

Mutants are very real!
Senator Kelly to the senate

You call that a landing?
Wolverine to Cyclops

Keep your eye open.
Wolverine to Cyclops

Rogue: You should put your seatbelt on.
Wolverine: Look kid, don't tell me wha.....(crash boom bang...hee hee)

That tickels.
Wolverine to Jean Grey

Do you know what happens to a toad when it's hit by lightning? The same thing that happens to everything else.
Storm to Toad

Well, this certainly is a big, round room.
Wolverine to Professor X

Welcome to mutant high.
Bobby to Rogue