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Anna Paquin Yahoo!Chat Transcript
Tue Jul 25 11:35:20 2000
Yahoo_Host1: X-Men Anna Paquin has just joined us in the chat room!!
anna_paquin_live: Hello everyone!
institutional23 asks: what was it like to be a part of the great X-Men
anna_paquin_live: I had a lot of fun!
Cheesy_Avenger asks: Anna, I loved you in the movie. I was wondering, not being a comic book fan, what made you decide to take this role?
anna_paquin_live: First of all, thank you. :D
anna_paquin_live: I wanted to be in this movie because I really liked the director Bryan Singer, and I wanted to try something new.
subt0ad asks: How was it working with Bryan Singer?
anna_paquin_live: He's really really talented. an amazing guy to work with.
skylab4000 asks: how long did it take to make the movie?
anna_paquin_live: about 5 months for me.
blade_chic2000 asks: Anna, I thought you did a great job in X-Men.(By the way, Happy Birthday yesterday!) How did you first start in the movie business? I love acting too, and would love someday to be in theater, or possibly movies.
anna_paquin_live: I got into acting from an open call audition for my role in The Piano.
anna_paquin_live: Thanks for the birthday greeting!
anna_paquin_live: That was basically how it started.
hardball777_99 asks: Do you see a resemblance of Rogue in your life as a young woman?
anna_paquin_live: I think Rogue is a typical teenager in many ways. She's isolated and lonely and that's pretty much how most teenagers feel, and can have a connection to her.
slimshadyjb asks: When you learned which actors were going to be in the movie, were there any of them that you were really excited to work with?
anna_paquin_live: pretty much everyone!
anna_paquin_live: Especially Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen. I was very excited about those guys.
cholo399 asks: Will you return to play rouge once more?(It wouldn't be as good without you)
anna_paquin_live: Well, thank you! And yes, I will be :D
cherbourg_umbrella asks: Anna, I love your movies! You have good taste in film roles. I was wondering if there was a film role that you tried out for that you wished you could have gotten?
anna_paquin_live: Yeah, there have been some. But it's not really a big deal. I've been happy with the ones I did get
newyork7345 asks: Who was your favorite cameo?
anna_paquin_live: Ice Man...
Tue Jul 25 12:05:30 2000
Manc2110 asks: (Happy 18th) What's in the CD player?
anna_paquin_live: alternative rock, classic rock...some punk, electronica... :) a little bit of a lot of things!
anna_paquin_live: Radiohead. Sex Pistols. Black Sabbath. Led Zeppelin, Jane's Addiction...
rschnei486 asks: was it hard acting in front of blue screens?
anna_paquin_live: yes! You kind of feel stupid. You're doing really exaggerated movements, and you're supposed to be reacting to things you cant even see.
anna_paquin_live: The Statue of Liberty for example...all kinds of crazy things are going on, and there's NOTHING THERE!
anna_paquin_live: You have to learn to work with it, and make it real.
raltar_god_of_the_space_pirates asks: Hi, Anna, I was wondering what you plan to do with your time while you're in college. Will you participate in any extracurricular activities such as debate, theatre, a sport, perhaps?
anna_paquin_live: yes!
anna_paquin_live: I never really had time in high school cause I was working all the time, but I definitely want to.
kman9784 asks: how hard is it to be a young actress?
anna_paquin_live: I think that the aspects that make it hard are so more than compensated for by the amount of fun and the amazing experiences.
anna_paquin_live: I would NEVER say it's hard to be an actress!
young_rogue asks: Hi Anna, What was it like working with Hugh Jackman? You two had great chemistry in the movie! (By the way Happy Birthday!)
anna_paquin_live: Hugh is a wonderful and sweet guy. He was a great person to work with for 5 months, every single day!
anna_paquin_live: He's a lot of fun
kakitamasuhari asks: X-Men is really your first exposure to the 'big Hollywood picture'- has the popularity of the movie affected your life much?
anna_paquin_live: Not yet.
anna_paquin_live: It will.
anna_paquin_live: :)
anna_paquin_live: I get noticed sometimes, but I have noticed that since X-Men have come out a little bit. But it hasn't been crazy yet.
anna_paquin_live: I don't really have a favorite . I love everything I've done, and for completely different reasons.
HollyGroup asks: Is Mystique (the character that can change human forms) Rogue's mother?
anna_paquin_live: In the comic book, she's maybe her stepmother or something...but for the film, we haven't really gone into that yet.
anna_paquin_live: I can't really answer that for you. Keep watching ;)
subt0ad asks: Did you read the comics when you were growing up? and if so who was your favorite?
anna_paquin_live: I had never even opened an X-Men comic book!
anna_paquin_live: I had seen the cartoon, and I had heard of them, but I really wasn't into comic books.
anna_paquin_live: But...I became a big big fan, of course!
anna_paquin_live: X-Men was the first comic I'd ever read
sputnik43 asks: How do you feel that you have become somewhat of a sex symbol among x-men fans?
anna_paquin_live: I was completely unaware of that!
ryanbooms asks: Hey Anna! X-Men was excellent. I was wondering what your emotions were like, however, when you won an Oscar for The Piano?
anna_paquin_live: Completely and utterly surprised!
anna_paquin_live: And that's about it. I was speechless.
Come2theedge asks: Where do you keep your Oscar?
anna_paquin_live: It's in the back of my closet.
anna_paquin_live: Really.
oddworld_inhabitant_2000 asks: Who's your favorite superhero/heroine besides Rogue?
anna_paquin_live: no! Rogue is my favorite!
primitive56 asks: Who are your influences?
anna_paquin_live: I wouldn't really say I'm influenced by others, but there are a lot of people I think are really talented and I respect.
anna_paquin_live: All the people I've worked with, Holly Hunter, Sean Penn, Kevin Spacey....but I wouldn't say it's really an influence.
anna_paquin_live: It just makes me want to be better.
subt0ad asks: Anna, how would you describe Rogue to someone who doesn't know her?
anna_paquin_live: Rogue is a young teenaged girl who discovers she has this extraordinary ability, when she touches someone skin on skin, to absorb their life-force, their memories, feelings....
anna_paquin_live: And so she's very lonely in coming to terms with that. She has to learn who she is, so she can grow stronger.
WJRebello asks: I wanted to ask you Anna if a lot of things from the movie were cut out in the final reel because it did seem as though the movie was short and I expected more in the end......I guess they left things open for the sequel right ?
anna_paquin_live: almost none of my scenes were cutout. Nothing we shot really.
anna_paquin_live: To be honest, I don't know what exactly ended up being shot and not-shot of things I wasn't in. I don't really know how much of the film was cut.
dragonchick87 asks: What did you guys do between takes for fun?
anna_paquin_live: a lot of times, we were having to stand really still, so the Visual FX guys could set up everything.
anna_paquin_live: We could just relax really. It was a physically tiring film really for all of us. So much was going on.
Yahoo_Host1: We're chatting with Anna Paquin, Rogue from X-Men
wickboarder_13 asks: How did you like shooting some of the Film in Canada, because I live in Oshawa where the mansion Parwood was used as the professors mansion
anna_paquin_live: I really liked shooting in Canada. I've actually shot there several times.
anna_paquin_live: It's a good place to shoot.
subt0ad asks: Wath was the hardest part about playing the role of Rogue?
anna_paquin_live: a lot of the blue screen aspects. The visual effects.
anna_paquin_live: It really had nothing I understood or had anything to do with. They set up so much technical stuff, and so many effects shots, and we just had to be able to give the same performance so many more times.
anna_paquin_live: It was difficult, and I really had no idea what they were doing with all that equipment.
jclaseman asks: Do you do you own stunts? (When they come up in your movies)
anna_paquin_live: I didn't really have a lot required of me in this film, that I couldn't realistically do. I pretty much did it all.
k_jean_g asks: Did you have to research Rogue's character at all before shooting?
anna_paquin_live: I read a LOT of comic books!
anna_paquin_live: other than that, no t really. :D
tdolaren asks: How do you cry on cue for the camera? And you are the cutest girl in the world by the way!
anna_paquin_live: thank you!
anna_paquin_live: And I have absolutely no idea!
anna_paquin_live: I think it was from being the youngest child, and practicing crying to get things you wanted and to get out of trouble ;)
fontajo asks: Will you have more control of your powers in number 2 and/or 3?
anna_paquin_live: I'm assuming that as Rogue gets older, and the X-Men movies progress, that she'll be being trained and will have more control
anna_paquin_live: Though I'm not sure what she can do. If she touches someone, it happens.
anna_paquin_live: She'll just probably be more confident in using them, I guess.,
redbunni87 asks: would you continue your career as an actress after college?
anna_paquin_live: absolutely!
shytown67 asks: have you ever been in trouble with the law ?
anna_paquin_live: no!
captainweezer asks: do you feel like you're career will be changed forever....and if so how does that make you feel?
anna_paquin_live: one can only hope that so many will se the film and that things will change. I don't mind if I'm Rogue for the rest of my life through the eyes of all the people that see the film.
anna_paquin_live: I'm really flattered that so many people loved the film and were connected with me and it.
destiny_43224 asks: Why couldn't they make the original costumes for the X-men?
anna_paquin_live: I think that was....a creative decision to translate the comic book to the movie format in a way that people OTHER than diehard X-Men fans could appreciate.
anna_paquin_live: It wouldn't be realistic to have them in yellow spandex. It wouldn't look "normal"
anna_paquin_live: to make it look more modern and almost like normal clothes.
anna_paquin_live: not that I'm knocking yellow spandex!
akantai asks: Howlong did it take for you to learn Rouge's accent?
anna_paquin_live: I think a couple weeks before filming. A few times a week I worked with an accent coach.
mulvey333 asks: Anna, what movie star that you haven't worked with would you like to work with?
anna_paquin_live: I don't know...hmm...I can never really think of a good answer for questions like that.
anna_paquin_live: When I find out I'm GOING to work with someone that's really amazing, I'd get excited. But there are so many people that are so talented that I've worked with.
butterflygurl_90018 asks: how did you find out you got the part of rogue for the x man?
anna_paquin_live: I got a call from my agent :)
anna_paquin_live: my life hasn't really changed that much. I get to go to really excited and fun things and have all kinds of other opportunities, but my life doesn't really change.
anna_paquin_live: maybe more people will go see the movie and now know who I am. I'm not too affected really. I don't think about it.
StatesGuy asks: Anna, I saw an interview of yours a few years ago in which you stated that you were perfectly happy just being yourself rather than trying to conform to peoples' impressions of you as a star. Is this still true?
anna_paquin_live: yeah!
anna_paquin_live: I don't really know what people's expectations or impressions are. Or even if I've been noticed it.
anna_paquin_live: For me personally, just be yourself!
anna_paquin_live: I think that's really important.
gyrich_762 asks: Happy Birthday Anna! Can you tell us about your upcoming movie Finding Forrester?
anna_paquin_live: I play a young high school senior at a private prep school in Manhattan who becomes very close this genius boy who's also some star basketball player. The story focuses on the relationship of the boy and the reclusive JD Salinger-esque writer played by Sean Connery.
anna_paquin_live: I just wrapped it about a month ago.
subt0ad asks: Wath do you think about mutants?
anna_paquin_live: LOL
anna_paquin_live: I don't think I've seen any real evidence of genetic evolution, or whatever.... that the X-Men carry. I think that...in society...people are often treated like a mutant from the X-Men.
anna_paquin_live: Because they're different, or are in a minority group.
anna_paquin_live: People are afraid of things they don't understand. In that, the X-Men has some important thematic aspects to it that are really interesting.
anna_paquin_live: important things to work with as an actor.
teenagewhore_666 asks: anna, what do you think of those teeny bopper acts such as britney and christina. you're around their age that's why I ask
anna_paquin_live: you know....all of those girls and boy bands, do so well, and seem to be doing exactly what they want to be doing, and are really successful.
anna_paquin_live: I think that's great.
anna_paquin_live: I'm totally for doing something you really like!
anna_paquin_live: I'd love to be a pop star ;)
jade_mun asks: What was it like working with Sean Connery, you know...Mr. 007 himself?
anna_paquin_live: Unfortunately, I didn't have any scenes with him.
anna_paquin_live: the way the plot works, we don't really overlap.
anna_paquin_live: But he's an amazing actor and it's great to be in the same movie as him.
rebecca-j asks: hello Anna - I asked a question before but someone else asked the same thing - I have seen the film 5 times (silly girl aren't I?) - did you like the final product and are there any missing scenes from the film that you think should have been in there?
anna_paquin_live: thank you for seeing it 5 times. I'm impressed and it's not silly!
anna_paquin_live: I'm really happy with the final cut. I love the way it looks. I love the way the plot came together. I loved everything about it.
anna_paquin_live: I think everyone did a really good job with it.
kai_budde asks: Do you think non X-fans will gravitate to the Xbooks or other comics as a result of your part in the movie or even the movie as a whole?
anna_paquin_live: I don't think I'd be so egotistically to say that because of me people are running to the shelves!
anna_paquin_live: Obviously it would be nice, but I wouldn't presume to say it will happen.
anna_paquin_live: In general, it may pique the interest of more people who wouldn't have thought to buy a comic book. You know, if they really enjoyed the movie.
anna_paquin_live: :D
anna_paquin_live: It's be great to think I've inspired children to read!
ethanhunt_imfcia asks: (I liked your grey hair!!)-is it hard balancing school and acting?
anna_paquin_live: yeah, it's really hard.
anna_paquin_live: especially my junior and senior year. There was a lot of academic pressure, but I only let myself do the "acting thing" as long as I wasn't sacrificing anything on the school front.
anna_paquin_live: You just work crazy schedules, but it's completely worth it. I get to do everything that way. :) I'm very lucky.
raistlin_majere_1980 asks: have you seen any of the Fan Art portraits popping up on the net?
anna_paquin_live: I've never visited my websites :( But I'm told I have them.
anna_paquin_live: I'd love to see some of the fan art, but I didn't go to the X-Men site to see some of it.
anna_paquin_live: Ain't it Cool News had some websites linked to, but I'm not really that skillful when it comes to the internet.
subt0ad asks: ow was it to work with Patrick Stewart?
anna_paquin_live: unfortunately, I didn't have a single scene with him!
anna_paquin_live: You don't really notice it, cause he talks about it a lot. But we're never in the same room at the same time.
anna_paquin_live: he's an amazing actor and a really great guy, but I cant really say I've worked with him at all!
anna_paquin_live: It would be such a great opportunity!!!!
Yahoo_Host1: We're chatting with Anna Paquin, Rogue from X-Men
anna_paquin_live: I think it's the coolest thing in the world!
anna_paquin_live: It's so surreal and crazy too!
anna_paquin_live: You're this little 4 inch plastic non-biodegradable mini-me!
anna_paquin_live: little kids will play with it, and torture it, and abuse it, like action figures always are!
young_rogue asks: Hi Anna! I just want you to know I loved the movie! You were fantastic!
anna_paquin_live: thank you. Thank you very much.
serpentcat asks: What other movies do you plan on doing in the Future?
anna_paquin_live: in the future, I'm going to college.
anna_paquin_live: But, this fall I have Cameron Crow's movie, "Almost Famous" coming up.
Tue Jul 25 12:35:38 2000
anna_paquin_live: And after that one during Christmas. But other than that, I'll be up at college.
sweeeeeeetguy98 asks: if you had special powers what would it be and why
anna_paquin_live: I liked Mystique's shape-shifting ability. You can try out being any person you want, and be them completely.
anna_paquin_live: That sounds creepy, but it could be kind of fun.
meka2081 asks: did you go to your senior prom ?
anna_paquin_live: I went to my junior prom. I worked the night of my senior prom.
fontajo asks: Do you ever feel jittery and weird to see yourself onscreen?
anna_paquin_live: always
anna_paquin_live: the only thing I can liken it to is starting at the mirror for 2 hours, and having it talk to you and having no control over it.
anna_paquin_live: It's strange.
anna_paquin_live: Not bad strange, but it's hard to relax and get into it, when every two minutes your face pops up on the screen.
anna_paquin_live: It's kind of weird.
sunny_eclipse_815 asks: So what's the dumbest question anyone has ever asked you (besides the one I just asked)?
anna_paquin_live: I'm sure....most questions are not bad at all.
anna_paquin_live: I actually can't think of one off the top of my head.
anna_paquin_live: Seriously, all the questions that I've gotten from the fans are sooo interesting and varied. It's fun!
anna_paquin_live: I don't usually think of these kinds of things from the movie, but it's a change from the normal reporter's questions at the press junkets.
anna_paquin_live: I love the questions. They're all so good!
jracca.geo asks: anna is rouge going to fly
anna_paquin_live: I hope so!
anna_paquin_live: the flying harnesses look fun.
anna_paquin_live: I haven't seen the script for the sequel yet, so I'm not the person to ask.
Venity00 asks: I'm curious--Most people know Rogue as an older woman. Do people get angry at the fact you, a younger woman, played the part?
anna_paquin_live: maybe some people were. I think that the creative decision to pick up with her before she's the older and more mature woman that the X-Man fans are familiar with... this is really before she's part of the X-Men.
anna_paquin_live: The comic book never goes into that much detail, but she has to start out somewhere.
anna_paquin_live: I was happy to play the role either way, and I wasn't too worried.
anna_paquin_live: I hope no one was really disappointed.
k97nw03 asks: Do you ever listen to critics?
anna_paquin_live: I don't know. I try not to read reviews. If you believe the good, you should believe the bad ones too.
anna_paquin_live: But I'm very self-critical anyway. But I always end up reading them anyway.
anna_paquin_live: I'd rather know their opinions.
xmenfansite asks: do you think magneto's view on humanity is right or Xavier's?
anna_paquin_live: I've never really thought about it like that.
anna_paquin_live: To be honest, I'd like to say I would lead a sort of active and risky fight for humanity and all the good things like Professor X...but I don't really know that I would.
anna_paquin_live: I'd like to think I'd be that strong, but I don't know.
anna_paquin_live: I've never really thought about it.
k_jean_g asks: Who did you go to the premiere with?
anna_paquin_live: a couple friends and some family.
anna_paquin_live: :)
slimshadyjb asks: Do you drive yet, and if you do, what kind of car do you drive?
anna_paquin_live: no I don't drive!
meka2081 asks: do you have any siblings and if so what did they think of you in the movie ?
anna_paquin_live: my sister hasn't seen it. The film isn't out in New Zealand. My brother came for the premier and I think he was really proud of me!
black7hole asks: Hi Anna. You rock. You're my favorite X-Men. I'd just like to know what it was like winning an Oscar at 11 years old.
anna_paquin_live: thank you.
anna_paquin_live: it was like an amazing honor to get it so young, and I didn't understand what the Oscar thing meant. So I basically get to think about it all the time, and I'm the luckiest person.
cysqo1123 asks: If you had a chance to go back and do the movie again would you be interested in trying a different character? (Happy B-Day!)
anna_paquin_live: I don't know... Toad!
anna_paquin_live: I think he was fun. Slinking around, and climbing up walls. That was cool.
anna_paquin_live: LOL
wolverine_bub16 asks: What was it like to work with ""Darth Maul"" or are you not a big Star Wars fan?
anna_paquin_live: to be honest, I haven't seen the film!
anna_paquin_live: I was working when it came out ,and everyone had already seen it when I had time to go, and I didn't want to go by myself!
anna_paquin_live: I didn't have any scenes with Ray, but I think he's really great in the movie, and he's so good at the physicality of being Toad. He was really great.
daisy2000f_16 asks: Do you want to eventually get into directing?
anna_paquin_live: at this point... I think that's waaaaaaaay more responsibility and stress than I could deal with.
anna_paquin_live: The director is basically EVERY SINGLE department and everything, and they make so many decisions.
anna_paquin_live: It's so much pressure, I don't think people realize what the director goes through.
anna_paquin_live: I don't think I could deal with it.
shytown67 asks: what's the most outrageous rumor you've ever herd about yourself ?
anna_paquin_live: I've never heard any! I don't think I'm that interesting :)
anna_paquin_live: oh no...someone took a picture of me with my brother, and said it was someone I was dating. I was thirteen and he's five years older than me.
anna_paquin_live: but that was more funny than anything else.
arcanix9 asks: What's the most important thing in your life to you right now?
anna_paquin_live: wow
anna_paquin_live: I'm very happy with everything.
anna_paquin_live: I'm doing things I really want to be doing. I'm about to start college and the next bit of my adult life, and knock on wood...I feel really happy and content with it all.
anna_paquin_live: I've worked hard for this, and it's being 18... it's a good moment.
Yahoo_Host1: Thank you so much to Anna Paquin for stopping by to chat with us today!1
anna_paquin_live: Thank you everyone for all the nice things!
anna_paquin_live: It's really kind of you!
anna_paquin_live: I'm sorry I can't answer all of your questions. I had NO idea this many people would be interested!
anna_paquin_live: Thank you!